
The new animation is severely distracting !

I don't mind it. It's about the chess not how smoothly the pieces move. You can't please everyone.
I really don't like the change, it's jarring.

I also don't like how the animations are different for me and my opponent.
Doesn't change the first part.

Also, then why can't animations be turned on?
Thank you. I'm aware it's a preference and can see why others would love that option, but after being used to having both sides unified with animations I don't think it's a change I would welcome, even with time, as I play lazily a lot and like the smoothness of how the game feels with the animations.
There seem to be new problems on iphone and ipad, I got even problems to insert the mate-in-1 captchas, the pieces do not move or they keep "sticking" somewhere.

I also lost recently a game where I wanted to move Bh6xc1 and it "stuck" on d2 like a mouseslip... :(
thanks, thibault.
does this animation put any further load on the servers?
I don't think so. It's a front-end thing. Thus it should only affect your browser.

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