
Puzzle Goals

Should puzzles have a goal named?
i.e. Checkmate, capture queen, take material, etc.

I am always ticked when I try to do something and I can't pick out the goal yet. Anyone else like that?
it would be too easy

suggestion to you: take your time till you are sure about the solution, choose a time limit for yourself (ex. 20 minutes) if you are not sure after 20 minutes, play whatever comes reasonable to you, then analyse the answer
I could imagine a "hint" button which makes the puzzle unrated for you and tells you the theme of the puzzle.
Too easily skewed. Even now, it's trivial to "game" the opening trainer; lets not do that to the tactics trainer.
Pieces attack something. Search what is attackable from both sides of the chessboard and that should get you to my level of solving puzzles. Tactical hint: Search for two pieces that line up, sit on the same color or that have a common aim at a particular square. Those pieces are probably pointing at the problem.
sometimes i can take like 45 minutes on the move,but it is very entertaining! i suck at chess but i love puzzle!

Sorry I refuse to believe someone who can have a 2321 puzzle rating to be only rated 1397 at classical.

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