
Profile Picture feature

I dont want lichess to get a kinda like facebook- thing.....I agree. That would be the worst....

....but sometimes i like to know how I play. Like, I really enjoy playing against people i know, who are polite and friendly,etc....

And at some evenings, you get to know like 5 people, and its hard to remember all, just by the names. I think a picture would help to recognize the person more easily.

I don't know.... i can understand the cons though.

Showing representative symbols with avatars is probably an interesting solution.

An avatar profile could represent a players level.
Levels displayed by using 3D chess pieces.
1200 and below a pawn image
1400 Knight
1600 Bishop
1800 Rook
2000 Queen
2200 and above a King image.

It might be a motivator to see the image change if your medium rating increases.

Or ...

Maybe people could pick an available avatar symbol from a list like the country profile. Some might like animals or cartoons as avatars. I think a well picked avatar could end up showing a bit of a players personality.

Could an avatar list be coded in the same way as the country flag profile?

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