
Okay, I get that you are banning keyboard, but is this really necessary?

Really? Who cares. You were probably at least 25 points overrated due to using KB anyway, so no biggie.

Suck it up, buttercup.
Yay Andrew Tang Celebrate!
No more extensions hooray!
@Whitedancingrockstar said in #8:
> Everybody had to agree with the new Lichess TOS today. Don't agree with something you haven't read, important lesson.
> KB ban has been rumored for months, so it should have hardly come as a surprise to you that the new TOS forbade it.
> Some of the links you might find useful:

I know you hate me because I used to use keyboard. But I kindly ask you to just look at this from a neutral perspective.

First of all, what you say is not true:

The update on the TOS was at 8 o'clock CET or earlier, because that's when I woke up and first checked my phone. It then told me there are new TOS and I read them. They said the following:

>Cheating - We prohibit the use of any external assistance used whilst a game you are involved in is ongoing, which has the effect of improving your knowledge, calculation ability, or otherwise gives you an unfair advantage over your opponent. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, using a chess engine, opening books, endgame tablebases, and receiving move recommendations from another person or software (including human commenters whilst streaming or social media services), and certain software or extensions at our discretion

This is definitely not any less vague about keyboard than the previous TOS. In fact, I used keyboard in the following arena at 8:30 CET:

Later, at 9:30 CET I played the game I posted in the original post. Between 9:00 and 9:30 they put the ban on keyboard in place and changed the TOS again to what you said before.

Let me summarize:
I accepted the TOS, then played keyboard, nothing happened. Then I played another tournament and I lost a game. I didn't ever accept any TOS that deny the usage of keyboard. At the moment I played my game, there was no reason for me to believe that kb is suddenly banned.

I did not deserve to get -24 rating points.
@mrjbones said in #11:
> Really? Who cares. You were probably at least 25 points overrated due to using KB anyway, so no biggie.
> Suck it up, buttercup.

Well, I understand your point of view. If I was 1300, like you, I also wouldn't care about 25 rating points. For me, it is a huge difference of about 10 ranks in the leaderboard.

Also, right after that game I beat a 2361 with 9.6 seconds left on the clock at the end:

So who are you to say that I don't deserve 2400 LOL
what do you think this topic will achieve? let's say the admins agree with your point of view. unlikely, but for the sake of the argument, let's say that they do. they do not even refund rating points lost due to server outages, which is arguably a lot more unfair than what happened to you. so basically all of this is completely pointless.
Good job Lichess, you have completely ruined my bullet experience. Why can't you add official support of keyboard and make it available to everyone? This is unbelievable! :((( Great betrayal from my most favorite website.
@LagIsUnfair said in #15:
> Well, I understand your point of view. If I was 1300, like you, I also wouldn't care about 25 rating points. For me, it is a huge difference of about 10 ranks in the leaderboard.
> Also, right after that game I beat a 2361 with 9.6 seconds left on the clock at the end:
> So who are you to say that I don't deserve 2400 LOL

Yes, I'm another 1300 who doesn't care about -24 points in rating, though I care what opponent I get. But don't you think this reply was a little bit too mean?

@mrjbones said in #11:
> Really? Who cares. You were probably at least 25 points overrated due to using KB anyway, so no biggie.
> Suck it up, buttercup.

This was also a mean reply but as they say, @LagIsUnfair don't fight fire with fire. @mrjbones really, who are you to just plainly be mean to someone? What do you think he is, a dumb 8 year old roblox player who failed a math test and got scammed in Adopt Me? The reply you sent, @mrjbones was also kinda mean, FYI. says:
>Extensions that assist with playing moves have denatured fast chess to the point that many players won't play it anymore. We believe that banning keyboard extensions will result in UltraBullet and HyperBullet becoming more popular.
So you only allowed a slow input method to make UltraBullet more interesting? How does it even make sense???
Also, they updated TOS today at 8:00 AM EST today. CET is not EST. Sooo...

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