
lichess high ping

@for_cryingout_loud said in #10:
> Download winmtr and put in
> this will show you every step your connection takes to reach lichess
> post the results here
> this will tell us where the problem is since multiple people have reported the issue
> (also side not the issue is not with lichess since lichess does not control the sees that is the internet in any shape or form)

Why then I access lichess before around 180-200ms ping? Why only now that has changed into higher ping? What's the main reason?
@SmokingFish properly one of those steps i mentioned is slow for some reason winmtr would confirm if i am right
and if it does we can try changing dns provided said step can be avoided which is not always possible
Thank you for the suggestion, @for_cryingout_loud I'll try using WinMTR to trace my connection steps to Lichess and see if that helps identify the issue. I'll also consider changing DNS servers if it can potentially improve my connection.

For the developers, if you're reading this, I'd like to report my experience with high ping on Lichess despite having a good internet connection. Previously, I had a lower ping on Lichess, so I'm curious about the reason for the change. Additionally, I'm wondering if any major updates or changes to Lichess could be a factor in the increased ping. If there have been recent updates, it might be worth considering if they could have impacted the connection speed. Any insights from the developers on this matter would be helpful. Thank you. @thibault @clarkey @flugsio @programfox @firebreathingdragon @tonyro @bosspotato @unihedron
@schlawg CDN Routing helps, it decreases around 50ms but it is not even enough to start a new game. (live connection)
There hasn't been a recent change to the codebase that could affect networking to SEA. I do not believe there have been any major backbone or configuration changes at our hosting provider (although I'm less sure about that).
<Comment deleted by user>
I appreciate your response. However, despite assurances of no recent changes, the evidence suggests otherwise. Many users, myself included, have encountered a significant increase in ping without any alterations on our end. This widespread issue implies a systemic problem within Lichess that requires urgent attention.

We rely on your team to ensure smooth functionality and quality service. Ignoring or downplaying these issues risks eroding trust and loyalty among users. Therefore, I urge the development team to conduct a thorough investigation into the root cause of these latency issues and take proactive measures to resolve them swiftly. Transparent communication with the community throughout this process is crucial to maintain trust and transparency. Your prompt action on this matter will not only restore the quality of service but also demonstrate your commitment to addressing user concerns.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
@SmokingFish we need you to use winmtr. SO we can confirm if its a lichess problem or a routing problem
then we can figure out from there also the screenshot tells us nothing but bad ping.
SmokingFish, I'm not trying to downplay or ignore that your lichess experience has been worse lately. I just saw somewhere in this thread where you wondered if lichess had made a recent change, and I figured I could put your mind at ease on that point.
We have not made any changes to the Lichess code that would increase ping to the Phillipines or SEA region.

It is still possible that a bottleneck has developed somewhere along the network route due to unusual traffic patterns, routing agreement changes at various connection points, or temporary outages either physical or due to misconfiguration.

> We rely on your team to ensure smooth functionality and quality service. Ignoring or downplaying these issues risks eroding trust and loyalty among users. Therefore, I urge the development team to conduct a thorough investigation into the root cause of these latency issues and take proactive measures to resolve them swiftly. Transparent communication with the community throughout this process is crucial to maintain trust and transparency. Your prompt action on this matter will not only restore the quality of service but also demonstrate your commitment to addressing user concerns.
> Thank you for your attention to this matter.

There is no need to bust out the corporate speak here, we are not a corp.

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