

Why can't we write emojis in chats and forums :)
because people abused it and spammed them.
@glbert said in #2:
> because people abused it and spammed them.
I do not think that it is the best solution, their are cheaters when playing games but this does not mean we have to stop playing
Identifying emoji spaming automatically is not really complicated
There are really no uses for emoji except laughing at your opponent when they lose. But there could be more emojis for reacting to forum messages
@Muzan08 said in #3:
> I do not think that it is the best solution, their are cheaters when playing games but this does not mean we have to stop playing
> Identifying emoji spaming automatically is not really complicated
It becomes a major hassle when a moderator has to scour through every topic to find spam or it takes up large amounts of server data from hiring a bot to scan every single message for emojis.
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I don't see why they deleted specifically emojis though. Look what I can do!
Illogical really, people could just take other symbols, if they really wanted to spam.
I know
I can write other things too;
ᓚᘏᗢ O_O (_) (ಥ _ ಥ)
That's right. They can use lots of other symbols!
<Comment deleted by user>

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