
Either stop the problem with time wasters or I revoke my donations.


Understood. Your points are well made, and (I think) well taken; I was merely striving for accuracy, given the wording of your second proposal. (Which I can see why it's only your second choice.) Naturally, as long as any per-move time limit is mutually agreed to beforehand, there is no reason it couldn't just be part of the game's inherent stats, along with the overall time and increment (if any).
@Toadofsky Again, thanks for your effort. False positives on bad actors have to be avoided at all costs.

Lichess is still the best site for playing chess because it is open, regardless of these issues.

(I wanted to send this as a private message, but was unable to do so due to your preferences -- which I completely understand, seeing you would otherwise be bombarded with spam.)

FYI: I just played this game:
(Never mind my opponent's screen name, or my blunders -- this is not an attempt to shame him, or embarrass myself.) O:) For the last ~10 minutes, my opponent's icon was green in the game, but black when I hovered over his name. So clearly, he had rage quit -- and yet it wasn't showing him as offline in the game, itself. I am unsure what accounts for this, but thought you should be aware of it per your post #30 here. Please use whatever info is available to you as a dev to factor in games like this one, where the player is offline, yet not shown as such in the game (only on his profile).

Someone else suggested the implementation of icon colors other than green & gray, and perhaps this game argues strongly in favor of such a feature.

Thanks for your attention & consideration.
"Lichess should prevent people from starting a new game when another unfinished game is still in progress."

Let me paraphrase:

<<Typically, when I stand badly, I start another and play two at once, switching between tabs to see if he's still waiting or there's a Claim Victory button yet, but otherwise giving my attention to the new game.>>

Simuls and correspondence games are exempt: it is known beforehand to both players that the opponent plays several games at the same time.
@Chessy64 You need to learn to use punctuation - you come across as very breathless and excited. You've also failed to understand anything I've - or anyone else for that matter - said in this thread. It's so obvious that nobody here is suggesting there's a problem using their allowed time to consider moves that I don't know what to suggest other than to maybe lie down in a dark room, try to relax and breathe slowly for a while, and then start again with the first post in this thread.
I was wondering whether there was a measure for users frustration threshold, and if it could also be on some hover-bubble under their name in forum posts, so that people get a sense of how alarmist the post is, or how fast did the op jump on the forum to complain. in other words, can we quantify frustration and frustrability. Then perhaps the prevalence of time-wasters could also be quantified. How many game with time wasting did a complainer have before posting?

Otherwise there is a lot of subjectivity fumes coming out of time wasting threads like this kind of thread, i don't know why, i keep telling myself, oh no, another waste of life expectancy, but i am still curious to see... and put my finger in it.... stupid me.

Edit: i have no idea about the prevalence, and i don't play settings where time wasters make sense. correspondence, time is not of the expectancy preserved....
@dboing. Well it's just that it used to be certain now it's not. I think the op's threat is a rather silly way to approach the problem. Idk what is going on with it. The last ragequitter I had it took over 6 minutes for the option to pop up in a rapid game. It's been this way For awhile now and for some reason the staff isn't saying anything about it. I understand your point but at the same time that's what this forum is supposed to be for. I I can't remember how long on it takes chess24 it's always 60 seconds in rapid and 80 I think in classical.
you are right, on top of the possibility that rage quitter be real and in numbers (no idea), there might be some bugs accumulating or being more frequent with increased loads or new systems, having to be implemented because chrome has a deprecation agenda, the whole web has a modernization agenda, and web sites have to follow, i don't know really.
sorry, i may have been contaminated by the ambiance, and lost perspective.

I was temp banned for aborting too many games by accident (not paying attention to when the game started).
I wasn't even trying to do it, much less regularly, and I still triggered a temp ban.
Obviously there are functional punitive measures in place.


1. Is OP asking for a "do it once and you're outta here" resolution?

2a. How many people have invested how much time into this thread?

2b. What is the functional effect of everyone having had done so?

2c. Is the OP a 'time-waster' himself?
Question 2c I doubt it his completion rate is 100 percent.

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