

Well if its a financial issue it would be cool if lichess would let us know about it so everyone could donate money for that cause.
lichess should make bughouse then make a time frame, where they will start to charge for add on features for this site, so this guy who made this site can start getting paid for his good work. fics is a ghost town now, admins messed that site up. I never played on , but lichess is my go to for entertainment. Need some bughouse tho, so I can sit back and watch these beasts play.
By any chance did someone download the code of before it got deleted? Or is the code still on GitHub? If yes, then it would be way easier to incorporate it into lichess.
@Molurus I have to agree, from the video it seems that this is possible, and lichess already has a layout for where to put the things. The only thing I would change is having one of those 3 line things on our own board so we can increase/decrease the size of it, and the opposite would happen to the partner's board.
Communication will also be a thing. In the video they use a seperate video chat that isn't part of Lichess. You'd probably want something like a shared chat for that.

But that's really all minor issues. It seems to me that 95% of the work is done already. Why waste that?

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