
A suggestion of new chess variant and one question about tournament ratings

Aporshakov, thanks for your reply; I agree with you concerning the rating range.
About Capablanca chess, you're right again about its popularity, but then again, its not for any reason relative to its potential quality and atractivness, but simply for the fact that since Capa's time it was - undeservedly, by my humble opinion - widely forgoten.

"Capa" proposed its variant by introducing two new chess pieces - one ("cancellor") combined the power of rook and bishop, while the other ("archbishop") combined bishop and knight's forces. Variant was experimentaly played on board 10x10 OR 10x8 (the later proved to bring the "real fight" much sooner into play) by Capa and his contemporary masters fellows (Lasker and Maroczy, among the others), and it achieved pretty nice popularity in his time (especially the 1920's)

About 960, I never even claimed that it doesn't deserve its place among chess variants which deserve attention among all true lovers of the game - in fact, I agree with just an opposite, and I greatly appreciate it's here for our joy and pleasure.

I should add here, forever, that "Capa chess" deserve the same chance to be brought to Internet chess (and chess variants) players, I'm pretty confident it would greatly justify the efforts to be "ressurected" and tested once again, this time by the 21st century's players.

(More about "Capablanca chess can be find here: )
correction about previous post:
instead of: I should add here, *forever* ;
should read: *however*
See -- much of it applies to this case. The two huge problems that Capablanca chess poses are in the differently-sized board and different piece types.

So it's nearly impossible, I'm afraid -- but never say never. You can do it yourself if have the skills and determination to take up the cause of implementing Capablanca chess on lichess. But I doubt Thibault will be the one doing it.
Sorry to hear that, sounds a bit discouraging. Still hoping, though - and keeping two thumbs up for Thibault, perhaps he could come up with "Capa" implementation one nice sunny day, and put the smile on many chess fan's faces! :)

About the suggested "rating range option" - any serious plans of implementation?
#16, definitely! It was in the old roadmap, now deprecated in favour of GitHub issues, so it's been planned for a while. It won't be happening for official lichess tournaments (the ones that run hourly, etc), but it will certainly be a thing for private tournaments or any tournaments you create yourself.

Just be warned that it will be up to you to find players if set rating restrictions (whenever that's implemented). But some form of team chat is also planned at some point down the line, to help people find players and generally interact more.
Nice to know; thanks.
I agree - of course Lichess' organized tournaments should remain unlimited by rating.
Finding players shouldn't be to hard to do as well, if an user doesn't set the range too narrow.
Lichess Team, any news about final implementation of "rating range" option for user-created tournaments?
There is no ETA for anything on the roadmap, you will just have to wait I'm afraid.

Or do it yourself! Which is totally possible, being open source. But otherwise, you have to wait.

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