
Why you should report cheaters

trickynick - Maybe you could tell me what losing blunder my opponent made. It would be interesting to know what that was.
Уберите с меня вывеску "читер"! На каком основании вы забанили меня?
@johnstrini After White's move of 11. Qg4 Black had distinct superiority because after 11. ... Nxe5 White's queen is pretty much in inextricable danger.

To be fair, it was kind of a difficult tactic situation to evaluate. My only point really was that you can see all of this in the engine's analysis of the game and that would be where you ought to look first before accusing someone of cheating, especially publicly.

EDIT: Okay, so White does get Black's queen too. But Black is still in better shape.
So my opponent did NOT make a losing blunder.
Here is my point. A computer analysis of moves that I "should" have made is rather meaningless. Human beings make mistakes - computers don't. When you lose to a player of equal rank in 11 moves, it is HIGHLY suspicious. If you want to think of me as a 'crybaby" for being a human being instead of a computer, then so be it.
For the record, I did NOT publicly name the opponent nor did I report him to the mods. I JUST said that I was suspicious. If you lose a game in 11 moves and are NOT suspicious, then more power to you.
At this point I don't know if you are trolling or not but I am going to respond purely for entertainment value.

Suspicious how? If he were using an engine to cheat don't you think it is kind of strange that he made a move that the the ENGINE shows to be a blunder damaging to his position as part of this "suspicious" attack?

Even though you were not "losing" this game at the point at which you resigned, I don't necessarily think losing a game quickly is necessarily suspicious. It just means someone blundered, didn't recognize a threat that was most likely pretty easy to stop....or in this case resigned because they thought they were in worse shape than they actually were.
Attention chess world! If you fall for an opening trap your opponent must be cheating! A recent opponent of mine hung his queen before move 20, and I saw it! Gasp! I should be banned at once!
I started to play some „classical“ games. After a couple of games I met the first cheater, I noticed immediately (move time and so on). I reported duly and he was banned, the approved procedure.

There was no rating refund though. Because he or I only got provisional ratings?
People not always report cheaters because they are not always sure they played cheater. Obvious patzer cheaters who still don't know how to randomise move times and how to play above 10 avcpl are banned quite quickly on Lichess. Problem is with those modern "smarter" cheaters who use assistance only during some part of the game, or until they get advantage, or in some complicated positions, or just after the opening in middlegame, or etc. bla bla bla It is hard for player to find out just based on move times and avcpl + mistakes that he played cheater - certainly it is easier for titled players who know how human should play or best ideas in position, but not for me. So if I am not sure I don't report. I report only obvious cheaters.
When it comes to word "cheater"... I see there are just too sensitivo-liberalistic people here who would defend even criminal not to be called criminal... lol... the guy is marked as a cheater by lichess, so by calling him cheater You can't do more harm to him, and btw if any harm caused, cheater earned it by playing illegally and f.cking around with other people, so it's totally ok with me at least ;)
Now when it comes to cheater playing 1000, 2000, zillions games on Lichess, hmm... I don't think it is indicator of Lichess community not reporting that guy, but perhaps guy played legal 990 games and cheated just last 10 games, etc. or he cheats only every 10 or 20th game... there are examples of titled players to play legal long time and then cheat. At least with titled player it is easier to find out, because they have OTB record and statistics don't lie :)
Cheaters will always be that dark part of online chess community no matter how good cheat detection is, in order not to get upset just change attitude to it - OTB is important, it is real life chess, real life title and rating gain... What will happen if You don't win online tournament or lose some online rating points? let me guess... nothing, except You might lose some respect on the streets lol... Of course this way of thinking doesn't make situation ok, but it is helpful not to get too stressful about those mental kids playing around with us...
Btw since some time I am playing mostly blitz and within three weeks got three rating points refunds - thank You Lichess community for reporting those bastards ;)

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