
Why did not lichess take action against Magnus Carlsen for cheating?

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@anonmod said in #19:
> We don't comment on moderation with respect to individual cases and discuss only with the people involved. In situations where streamers have had ideas from chat/commentators, our established process is to warn the user. Repeated or deliberate behaviour may be treated more severely.

No, when the atmosphere gets too tough you just close threads. Out of sight, out of mind. This site is wonderful, and it’s potential has no limit. That potential is stifled unless and until Lichess:

1) purges all known (especially admitted) cheaters.
2) sets equal standards for all players, from new to world champion.
3) let freedom of (polite) opinion be read, no more closing of threads uncomfortable for site admins.

Happy Holidays!
IMO this really isn't anything that's bannable. Carlsen didn't ask for suggestions or anything; Howell was the one who spontaneously suggested it. People crying double standards are applying it themselves. There's a big difference between using a computer on every move to win a game, and getting a single unsolicited suggestion from a watching friend.

@Johan_Rechner It's kind of funny you're saying that when you're a pretty clear cheater yourself.
Why is the very first comment deleted by the user? The topic should be closed in that case
I've had a friend suggest moves over my shoulder, but id never take his advice cos he kinda suck at chess XD
There are a lot of streamers who play e. g. "Hand and Brain". This is cheating according the Lichess rules but I have no problems with that. It is good for Lichess when streamers or even the world champion plays on Lichess. Sites like chess dot com pay money to streamers for playing on their site. It is advertisment.
@Meriten said in #28:
> There are a lot of streamers who play e. g. "Hand and Brain". This is cheating according the Lichess rules but I have no problems with that. It is good for Lichess when streamers or even the world champion plays on Lichess. Sites like chess dot com pay money to streamers for playing on their site. It is advertisment.

it's a good observation but ultimately i believe hand and brain is actually fair. i think of eg (of course there could be many counter-examples. i'll get to that) hiro nakamura and hikaru nakamura hand and brain on hikaru's account: this makes hikaru's playing strength lower with hiro's choosing of the piece.

but of course if they do it on masi oka's account, then maybe it's cheating. i guess as long as they do hand and brain on the stronger person's account it's ok? (i'm assuming they don't make a separate account specifically for hand and brain which i guess is the most ideal thing to do)

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