
Why did not lichess take action against Magnus Carlsen for cheating?

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Magnus is the only player with camera on. Other players we don’t know if they are cheating because their cameras are off. Stop this.
@feynarun said in #1:
> Magnus clearly had help from David Howell during the last titled arena.
> Why did not lichess take action against Magnus?
> It was not fair to the other participants of the titled arena.
> Hikaru enjoys similar perks on another chess website and Magnus enjoys such perks at Lichess.
> This is really shameful and unfair.

Yeah i agree it is shameful and unfair to Magnus that he is the only player with camera on while others cheat while camera off.
Magnus had stuff thrown at him. I hope he would like to go back in time and resign that game 1 second after the mud was thrown at him. I KNOW he would like to go back in time before it was thrown and find his own move - probably the same move. He normally finds the best move.
Someone cheats
Lichess: here's your red banner
Magnus cheats
Lichess: um what, Hello we can't hear you
Lichess are too scared to take any negative actions against Magnus.
@Shadow1414 said in #9:
> Lichess are too scared to take any negative actions against Magnus.
After all he is world champion and has donated a lot of money here

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