
Pieces' names

In Russian:

King = Король (KorOl'), that is just "King"
Queen = Ферзь (Ferz'), doesn't mean anything else in Russian but obviously it is rooted from "Vizier"; sometimes it's also called Королева (Koroleva = Queen) but the latter is strongly discouraged
Bishop = Слон (Slon), that is "Elephant"; sometimes also (erroneously) called Офицер (ofitser = officer)
Knight = Конь (Kon'), that is "Horse"; alternative "wrong" form is Лошадь (Loshad') which is essentially the same
Rook = Ладья (Lad'iA), that is an ancient type of a Slavic sail boat; alternative (wrong) form is Тура (Tura) which is rooted from Latin Turres Ambulatorie (cf. Turret) which is a Siege Tower
Pawn = Пешка (Peshka), it has no other meaning in modern Russian but it obviously shares its etimology with the (Russian) words Pedestrian / Infantryman / Foot-soldier

Castle is Рокировка (Rokirovka) which is made from French word "roque" which in turn originates from Roc / Rook etc.

Also check is Шах (Shah) and mate is Мат (Mat) as one may expect. And finally the word Chess in Russian is Шахматы (Shahmaty) which is just a contamination of Check (Shah) and Mate (Mat).

In spanish during the Middle Ages:

Queen was Alferza < arabic al-Forza < persian Farzin = vizier
i writed names of pieces. now i want to write what is check,checkmate,stalemate ...

checkmate-šahs un mats

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