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Well, learning chess would be learning basic rules of chess. That's all. Would one require a coach for that? Definitely not!
There is something called chess book!
So, 'coach' is actually not required.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #51:
> @Ben10Tenyson
> Well, learning chess would be learning basic rules of chess. That's all. Would one require a coach for that? Definitely not!
> There is something called chess book!
> So, 'coach' is actually not required.
All highest rated chess player ever had coaches is a evidence which points towards importance of coach
@Ben10Tenyson said in #52:
> All highest rated chess player ever had coaches is a evidence which points towards importance of coach
So, do 'you' accept that one cannot become GM in chess without coaching? And can I infer that (loosely) from your logic?
could two of you stop this meta discussion. Hijacking someone thread on unrelated ranting is not polite. You could open your own thread or somethign
@Akbar2thegreat said in #53:
> So, do 'you' accept that one cannot become GM in chess without coaching? And can I infer that (loosely) from your logic?
Yes,Coaching is required even for strongest player to countinue improving after all they Still didnt Perfect chess and even tho they will never perfect ches being better than before is always good ....Coach gets credit for Helping/making carlsen become #1 while Carlsen
gets credit for being #1
Well perfection doesn't exist in human world. So stop saying that even strongest players need coach just because they don't play perfectly.
And for second thing, you are opposing your own logic. If Carlsen didn't have coach he wouldn't be number 1. And by your logic one improves only by being coached so one can become number 1. Hence, coach should get credit for making player number 1 and not player themselves.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #56:
> @Ben10Tenyson
> Well perfection doesn't exist in human world. So stop saying that even strongest players need coach just because they don't play perfectly.
> And for second thing, you are opposing your own logic. If Carlsen didn't have coach he wouldn't be number 1. And by your logic one improves only by being coached so one can become number 1. Hence, coach should get credit for making player number 1 and not player themselves.
I dont think you had read what i said properly because i had mentioned it isnt possible to become perfect .....and i clearly said coach deserves credit for making carlsen #1
Oh, didn't see the previous post properly.
Well, so everything is clear by now.
And I have no further objections.

@petri999 said in #54:
> could two of you stop this meta discussion. Hijacking someone thread on unrelated ranting is not polite. You could open your own thread or somethign
It was related but slowly transformed away from topic during my debate. It's my nature to debate though! Well, my talk with Ben has been resolved.
@Ben10Tenyson said in #45:
> I was never debating for who gets the credit ,its just unfair to say that highest rated player doesnt need any traning/coaches when it helps them to countinue being highest rated/become world champion/retain world champion title

Well honestly, teaching doesn't just improve others skills, it improves the teachers skill more hence it will be good for him.


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