
Chess is clearly solved (top-100 age lists)

@RoundMoundOfUnsound said in #7:
> This is how checkers was solved.

Checkers has "only" about 5 * 10^20 legal positions (500,995,484,682,338,672,639 to be exact), mandatory captures (which reduces the number of moves enormously), and in general less possible moves per position than in a typical chess position (mandatory captures, no sliding moves, men cannot move backwards). In contrast, chess has between 10^43 and 10^50 legal positions.

Complexity wise, they aren't even in the same ballpark. (Well, in a practical sense. In a theoretical sense, both games have a finite complexity).
What does it matter 'if it's solved' I'm not yet 1600 and love the game for what it is to me. I play some terrible moves and also some brilliant moves. If we were all secretly connected to stockfish, then yes the game solved but we are not ,so a loss is a loss and a win a win. Victory and defeat the same imposter for chess to survive I guess you could argue to throw away the rating system and play your opponent with no knowledge of their standard like playing a 1500? .........? xxx regardless of age or gender xxx
Agree with a lot of what #12 said. Even if the game was solved, it's not like there would just be one game you could memorize to beat everyone. Even if there was a perfect engine or AI out there, even the best player in the world would not be able to emulate its play against other humans.
@RoundMoundOfUnsound said in #1:
> 12 year-olds over 2500 many over 2200...
> Chess is turning into a child's puzzle. The rules need to be changed and theory rendered irrelevant without disturbing the basic structure of the game (like 9x9 or something else 960 isn't enough).


This child's puzzle is clearly so easy, so easy that you are unable to have a higher rating than said 12-year-olds.
> we will need lots more time or much stronger computers to be able to solve chess. even if you watch the CCC on (computer chess championship) you'll see wins for white, draws, and even wins for black at times. it's mostly draws, but not all. computers aren't even perfect at chess yet, it will take a while for them to be, so humans are light years behind
> chess has been around for thousands of years (probably) and I predict it will exist for hundreds if not thousands more

If humans are "light years behind," then Carlsen can't be that good. We can't have it both ways.

Checkers was solved long before the computers worked everything out.

The first six moves 1 d3, 2 Nd2, 3 g3, 4 Bg2, 5 Ngf3 and 6 O-O can be played 95 percent of the time with maybe two other variations covering the other five percent. The London system does that as well. Even now most games are draws.

Time will tell one way or another but even if this isn't happening right now it's not that far away. Too many people have too much knowledge.
To many people have too much knowledge..........I have no knowledge and still play the beautiful game. I may not win but I like to think I play differently to anyone else cause it's natural and not from a book xxx surely that's the enjoyment ..,play the game in front of you win or lose xxxx
Anyone worrying that people will stop playing chess if computers solve it(which is not going to happen soon) should look at how antichess is doing. The top few players mostly stopped playing when it was solved, but everyone else is still having fun. As far as an 1800 elo player is concerned, there is little practical difference between a computer playing at the 3200 elo level and a computer playing perfectly.
"a child's puzzle"
I think there is a bit of belittleing of enormous effort those children put in this "easy" game learning... It's not like the knowledge just fall from sky or is found below pillow. They sit for hours and hours everyday, reading books, analysing, puzzling and so on. Their minds are fresh and young, and no adult will have as much time to dedicate for chess as a young one, unless one is professional player and makes a living out of it. Also K = 40 for every junior (below 18yrs) when it comes to Fide rating increase, so they basically can climb twice faster into the top.
"Chess is clearly solved" - obviously we would like to read it from someone who has some supercomputer in his house, which ran for 10 years solving it and found solution, which is certain sequence of moves causing either always a draw or a win - otherwise it is not solved really... sequence of moves to cause a loss we all know by now, we solved that easy :]

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