
Can someone give me pointers?

I will go with generalities instead of specific moves.

Ten Queen moves out of the 13 first moves: that's a big no-no.
During that time, your opponent has the time to develop all his pieces and that's bad for you.

Lack of development: by move 25, your Rook,your Bishop and your two Knights are still not developed, so they are not active. Having inactive pieces is very bad for you.You have to develop each piece at a time, so that each of your piece is active. If you don't do that, you will probably get beaten nicely without even realizing what happened to you. At least that's my personal experience.

Leaving your Queen all alone in a remote sector of the board: Queens will get trapped in that situation.

Last but not least : a blunder check should be done each time we are about to make a move, in order for example to avoid hanging pieces ( like 21...Bxc1 hanging the queen).
So the first thing to ask ourselves before making a move is: what is my opponent threatening?
We should think about what our opponent is about to do before thinking about what we want to do.

I wish I could apply my own advices in a consistent manner :)

Thanks! Is this based on a specific game of mine, or is it in general ? based on what you've seen me doing?

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