
Can someone give me pointers?

Advice play level 6 and present a lost game instead of a won game.
Why 7 Bb5? a Bishop is worth more than a Knight, so 8 Bxc6 is bad. I would play 7 Bd3 especially after Black has weakened the position of his King with 5...f6 and 6...gxf6.
I would have played 14 Re1+ or 15 Re1+ to develop the Rook with gain of tempo.
17 Rae1 looks like the wrong rook. What if he plays Bxc2 threatening Bd3? 17 Rfe1 looks better.
I would not have traded 25 Rxe8+, as it leaves an endgame with opposite colour Bishops, susceptible to draw. Instead 25 Ra1 to redeploy the Bishop Bc1 and attack the a5 Pawn.
Instead of 26 h5 I would first move the King forward: 26 Kf2.
28 h6 is wrong: you must advance the Pawns such that the Bishop cannot block them.
Level 5 plays the endgame badly and loses a drawn position.
Yeah, I can present a game where I've lost against the level 5 A.I.
If that will be a better analysis.
If you want to get better, then play a higher level AI and present your loss here. Level 5 makes so many bad moves.
I didn't know this, especially being kind of a noob. I appreciate the advice, I'll challenge a level 8 A.I. eventually (probably soon) and I will present my loss, so I can improve
Ill try to look at the game for mistakes first.
@tpr would it be a good idea to practice with the puzzles first? Before challenging a higher level bot? I've spent quite a while doing puzzles and I think I can improve quickly by doing them. Do you have any thoughts on this? Contrary or otherwise?
I like the puzzles a lot and I enjoy solving them. Solving puzzles is recommended. The only problem is, that in a real game no one tells you there is some tactical trick. You have no clue contrary to the puzzle.
I also recommend that you do the computer analysis and the splendid learn from your mistakes feature on this marvellous website.
For general human advice on strategy etc. you can present your games here. Only problem if you play a low level of AI then the game is marred with lots of mistakes on both sides and it gets difficult to say something meaningful about it. Also psychologically you learn from your losses. So I recommend you present a game you lost against a higher level of AI or against a stronger human.
"I decided I should practice making better decisions"
"As a result, I played a game of bullet "
These two sentences do not go well together.
Now if you are interested in bullet instead of chess, Nakamura's book is excellent.
@kifaru yeah, it didn't seem right when I wrote it either! XD
Did you have anything to add about the other games?
Also, thanks for the book recommendation! :)

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