Simple Chess Outposts: 5. Benko - Najdorf, Piatigorsky Cup 1963

Simple Chess game 5: Benko - Najdorf, Piatigorsky Cup 1963

an outpost in the vicinity of the enemy King is an excellent platform from which an offensive can be launched - Micheal Stean

The Game


Not all outposts are equal - Najdorf's outpost on f4 is not very effective once Benko castles Queenside, whereas white's outpost on f5 is near black's king and is used in Benko's attack.

Combining multiple weaknesses - Benko coordinates his use of both the open h5 file and the f5 outpost in his attack. Najdorf is unable to use his f4 and later e5 outposts effectively on their own.

Sometimes you can take your time - Benko knows he has time to setup his attack. He spends a move to trade his light squared bishop for black's knight, three moves to get his knight into position on f5 and another move repositioning his queen before launching his attack.