Simple Chess: 1. Botvinnik - Szilagyi, Amsterdam 1966

Simple Chess game 1: Botvinnik - Szilagyi, Amsterdam 1966

I merely want to draw your attention to the effortless simplicity with which Botvinnik established and drove home his advantage - Micheal Stean

The Game


Outposts. Botvinnik's knight, bishop and queen all make use of the outpost on c4. When I play the Caro-Kann as black I need to think more about the potential white outpost on e5.

Piece Activity. After 30. c4 I still don't see how white breaks though but I can see that black is stuck defending.

The "Bad" Bishops. Szilagyi's bishop is completely blocked by its own pieces, Botvinnik's dark squared bishop also doesn't seem to have much of a role in the final attack but it did induce f6.
