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49 forum posts
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General Chess Discussion - Frustrating draws at the top level - kills interest#52

@himav , don't you realize that people don't like your scoring system? You got a total of 112 dislikes in this post. If your system worked somehow, I agree with @RamblinDave #37 that the amount of res…

General Chess Discussion - Chess - Improvement#2

Play some classical games. And analyse some instructive games.

General Chess Discussion - New rule needed#5

@Kingsracer234 said in #1: > I want a rule change in chess. If you are playing as black, if you have your opponent in a forced checkmate sequence and could checkmate your opponent on you next move, yo…

Off-Topic Discussion - How to survive a shark attack#29

@RudrakshRoyChess295 said in #28: > Learning Swimming is the first step to survive a start attack. Then, if there is an island near go to it. If there is no island, just go and sit on the sharks body.…

Off-Topic Discussion - How to survive a shark attack#21

Who just disliked everything?

Off-Topic Discussion - Which bite is the worst? T-rex or Megaladon#12

I think the t-rex has the worst bite. The rex had one of the strongest bites among the dinosaurs. It was devastating enough to bite through bone that's stronger than some metals.

Off-Topic Discussion - How to survive a shark attack#15

Attack it's nose area. Sharks have sensitive noses and they will immediately swim away if you attacked its nose area.

General Chess Discussion - Same opening starter... again and again and again.#2

@KyloRocketChess said in #1: > I always get people who play the 'Universal' opening which is d6 or e6 by black. Or if I play as black, they always play d3 or e3. Any way to counter this and hopefully …

Off-Topic Discussion - Are you religious but without a god?#8

@mortmann said in #1: > i think, some of you would say yes to this question but ive got no clue yet. Pls enlighten me, help me understand what this is about, how could this be, or if my question is on…
