
How to survive a shark attack

maybe he's angry for his chat-ban, if this rain of dislikes continues, he must get banned from lichess
@infinite2009 said in #26:
> maybe he's angry for his chat-ban, if this rain of dislikes continues, he must get banned from lichess
Learning Swimming is the first step to survive a start attack. Then, if there is an island near go to it. If there is no island, just go and sit on the sharks body.
@RudrakshRoyChess295 said in #28:
> Learning Swimming is the first step to survive a start attack. Then, if there is an island near go to it. If there is no island, just go and sit on the sharks body.
There are two things that aren't that easy to do. First of all a shark can swim 50 kmph. So you really can't outswim a shark. Second, sharks have been known to dive deep after shoals of fish. You might manage to sit on the sharks body without getting eaten but the shark may dive deep and you can't hold your breath long enough.

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