
Chess - Improvement

Hello Everyone, hope you all are doing fine, my topic in which i need help is how do I improve longer time control chess it makes me feel like I have played a lot of ultrabullet (15 sec) which makes me hang piece’s thinking I will win on time in a 10+0 (rapid chess) plus I watch a lot of chess video’s and they are some helpful but I just forget them in the game like recently I watch a GothamChess video showing how to make a plan in the game in which he told that looks for CHECKS , CAPTURE, ATTACKS AND THREATS which I don’t seems to follow in the live game and I need some help to improve my chess skill please drop below some tips!
Thank you! Have a nice day!
Play some classical games. And analyse some instructive games.
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Delete everything from ultra bullet from your mind first. Play 30 min chess and improve your positional play. GothamChess is indeed the perfect place for that. Just chill out, think, and have some fun. Watch YouTube videos and you'll be okay. Also, stop playing Ultra bullet.
Actually "looks for CHECKS , CAPTURE, ATTACKS AND THREATS " is all you need right now. It's not easy to do that in a blitz game so better play longer games, preferably with increment.
IMO it is best to play 15+10 games and to do tactics. After each game analysing is of course beneficial, there you can check when you left the theory and check certain positions where you felt lost. Ofc it will also tell you all the tactics you missed :) The same tactics often reappear in the same structures.

I think this should bring you quite far. After you reach around 1700 elo on Lichess you should start reading books on strategy. My fav is "How to reassess you chess" by Silman
"... Logical Chess [(Batsford edition by Chernev)] ... a collection of 33 games ... is definitely for beginners and players who are just starting to learn about development, weak squares, the centre, standard attacking ideas, and the like. In many ways, it would [be] a wonderful 'first' book (or first 'serious' book, after the ones which teach the rules and elementary mates, for example), and a nice gift for a young player just taking up chess. ..." - IM John Watson (1999)

"... Certainly for players who do not fully grasp the meaning of terms such as skewer, pin, fork, discovered attack, and the like, Winning Chess [(Batsford edition by Chernev and Reinfeld)] is a wonderful resource to bring the budding player to a much greater appreciation of the game. But also for intermediate players who all too often fall victim to these tactical maneuvers, or who realize in postmortems the many attacking threats they overlooked, this should be a book to consider. ..."

"... Most internet players think that 30 5 is slow, but that is unlikely slow enough to play 'real' chess. You need a game slow enough so that for most of the game you have time to consider all your candidate moves as well as your opponent’s possible replies that at least include his checks, captures, and serious threats, to make sure you can meet all of them. ... there is no absolute; some people think faster than others and others can play real chess faster because of experience. Many internet players are reluctant to play slower than 30 5 so you might have to settle for that as a 'slow' game." - NM Dan Heisman (2002)
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@fgermuth said in #6:
> IMO it is best to play 15+10 games and to do tactics. After each game analysing is of course beneficial, there you can check when you left the theory and check certain positions where you felt lost. Ofc it will also tell you all the tactics you missed :) The same tactics often reappear in the same structures.
> I think this should bring you quite far. After you reach around 1700 elo on Lichess you should start reading books on strategy. My fav is "How to reassess you chess" by Silman

Will it help if I start reading chess book from this level?

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