
Why not add checkers too?

There`s a problem with checkers: there are about a dozen different rules around the world. Even the size of the board varies, from 64 to 144 squares, and many players stick to only one size. Russian checkers has the most violent rules, it even has the flying queen (a piece can start as a checker, turn into a queen and go ahead eating other pieces jumping as many empty squares as needed all over the board all in one move) . Brasil and a few other south american countries have rules (almost as violent as Russian`s) that are much different from USA and Europe. Chess has unified rules, and still there are discussions about how to offer a draw, how to claim a draw and other things...
Imagine the complications about wanting different checker rules. Wikipedia is very incomplete on this subject, I know all this directly from players from different continents.
I vote for russian checkers only!
For chess: only classical and 960, not other variants.
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Now you just need to find someone to buy the domain, write the code, and administrate the server.
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yes.... it was just a suggestion... i dont care much about checkers, i dont even remember how to play,,,
This is a chess website, so what? Variants are being introduced as well, and checkers could be considered a variant... even if a slightly more distant variant, with different pieces and piece movements.

As for your second point: there are also other places to play chess (and have been since long before lichess was founded), and yet we come here.
That was for MsCaroKann... shame we still can't edit our posts yet.

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