
Why not add checkers too?

I'll fuck you up in a game of checkers
They are no where near the same, except the boards have the same pattern on them.
Chad Warden:

"Checkers...only got two different kinds of bitches.
Chess? Chess got MANY different kinds of bitches."
Checkers is boring,
and as far as I know it has been solved completely by computers.
A computer can beat everyone at chess, too; that doesn't make it boring.
No, checkers is for idiots.
Its like tic tac toe. After 20 games or 30 everybody who is not retarded will find the dead win/draw.

A computer cant beat every1 at chess. and computers have still room to improve.There are still Variations to discover and enough to learn while checkers is like _l_l_
Fuck it fucked my picture up
pls we need some sort of edit fuck
The Russians have been dominating chess since the late 50s.
(and a few Dutchmen).
oops i meant Checkers

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