
Sledge Hammer Quote Project

"Two thugs entered and threatened the owner with shotguns. At that time I drew my Magnum and killed them both. Then I bought some eggs and some milk and some of those little cocktail wienies."
"Inspector, was that absolutely necessary?"
"Well, yes. I have no groceries at home."
"They were so certain that their son would turn out rotten that they put him up for adoption three years before he was born."
"I bet you think that all women should be barefoot and pregnant, right?"
"No, I encourage women to wear shoes."
"I would like to address that particular stereotype if I may. Now, your stereotypical donut is nothing but dough and sugar fried in fat, am I right? Now, that fat gums up your arteries and goes to your brain, and you turn liberal. And the next thing you know, Barry Manilow is on the turn-table and you're not going to work AND YOU'RE VOTING FOR GUN CONTROL! YOU SEE WHAT I'M SAYING? YOU SEE THE CONNECTION? That's why I eat granola."
"Listen, pal, for a million dollars, I'd become a male nurse!"
(To the gun-toting Amish family)
"I thought violence was against your way of life."
"Hey, this is the '80s"
"I was born with a gun in my hand-- which is the chief reason I could never get babysitters"
"No, it's not a silencer. This little doodad is my own invention. I call it a loudener."
"Please, you owe it to me. Let me kill you, and I promise I'll never ever do it again!"
"If I don't walk away from this, promise me one thing"
"What's that?"
"Tell the chief I won't be in for work tomorrow"
"Hammer, I just got a call from the school board..."
"Wait, wait, wait. Aren't you gonna yell at me for shooting a cigar out of that guy's mouth?"
"Attention, miniature misfits: I am your substitute teacher."
"Now that's how you threaten somebody with good grammar!"
"If someone gives these kids proper guidance, they can do wrong for the right reasons!"
"[Cops] eat free at restaurants. You never have to stop at red lights. You get to meet lots of interesting people... and put them in a chokehold!"
"Looks like he wants to play chicken."
"I love a challenge!"
"But he's got a car, and you don't!"
"He cheats at everything."
"What on earth could a killer's motive be to kill 15 Elvis impersonators?"
"Obviously to get in the Guinness Book"
"I haven't killed a serial killer in months"
"I can do Elvis more efficiently than any of you!"
"He's alive?"
"Shh! Enough happiness!"
"Why didn't you let me in on it?"
"You're a woman, and you have a phone"
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"To avoid the death penalty"
"We're members of a clandestine group whose members share the singular purpose of righting wrongs through force and aggression"
"I'm already a registered Republican"
"What do you think of the death penalty?"
"Too lenient-- there's always the possibility of reincarnation"
"Newborn babies don't have enemies!"
"I did."
"Cops can't go around making promises they can't keep. That right is for presidents."
"The only game show I like is Divorce Court, because they give away the best prize"

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