
clousems' boilerplate response to complaints regarding vocabulary choices

If you're reading this, you likely have taken issue with certain vocabulary choices I have made in my communication methods on this site. I regret to inform you that my vocabulary does not depend on your specific preferences, and will not change just because you take issue with my word choice.

What does determine the limits to the language I use? Good question. I rely on a standard that is loosely based off of the MPAA's PG-13 rating. This is because I assume everyone utilizing communication features on this site is 16 years or older. If you are not over 16, you shouldn't be roaming the internet anyways. It's a scary place, filled with things like porn, piracy, Neopets, and black markets.

My choice in language is designed to mirror the way I speak in a casual setting. I feel that, by using a casual and relatable tone, I am better able to convey whatever point I'm trying to make. I don't swear often compared to my friends, but I do occasionally use coarse language, and this is reflected in my internet communication habits. Typically, I swear for humor purposes or for emphasis. In accordance with lichess guidelines, I will never swear to insult others. In accordance with my personal beliefs, I also will never swear on this site as a way to describe sexual acts or to make explicit anatomical references. If you see me violating either of these principles, I request that you use , as I don't believe that there is any place for that kind of behavior.
Shoutout to that guy who joined the team just to downvote my boilerplate response.

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