
Failed puzzle gold mine, and beyond

Placeholder. Now working on private study, to make sure that I do not spoil that puzzle by sharing its URL. Or its game source.
So I will make pics from the study and make a pic first story. With complementary text if needed to fill in blanks left by the pics. Like color legends and all. And then, probably, I won't be able to repress some fleeting ramblings, then fluctuating courage of exposing my stuff or imposing it. Whatever. But plan is pic first, text later.

The pics mostly already made in some Lichess inbox convo, sound-board exchange space, Lichess friend of mine who proposed the puzzle, and got my attention and rewarding ramblings. About my failure and opportunity to self-diagnose and learn about self and the board of it, also the limitation of historically named and then frozen patterns with respect to internal concept generalization efficiency (according to me!).

Compromise on predecessor reverence of pioneering, by taking the named patterns as prototype of more abstract ones that span more examples in which to recognize patterns, for the same price. get more with less. (but might be more work upstream, slow but i like it, that is where, I can swim or surf on some non-chess experience, or maybe innate 2-side ablity/limitations).

I think I might be wanting to talk about theory of learning through pattern discovery and formation, more than recognition, what is a pattern. what is the relation between internal models of them (or representation) and the possibly absolute versions on the board.. what of the names.. their use, their limitation, and their possible population discovery epistemology. Individual theory of learning interaction with population (across generations) theories of learning (or shareable knowledge acquisition and propagation). Trying to not be my usual Don Quichotte, just because it keeps me primed and entertained long enoug to ramble around what I might be trying to share, and does not seem to come out right ever...

So there is the venerable, and then the court jester temptation.. I will try to keep that last one in check.. tall order.

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