
Search "user:tennersgnissel"

23 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - locked pieces in mobile app#1

I experience issues with locked pieces in the Android app. I believe this happens if I touch a piece before the opponent move, but not premoving the piece. After the opponent move, all my pieces are l…

General Chess Discussion - software that detects error patterns and selects N correction exercises#2

Spread the word if you find this sort of software. Certainly possible, but not sure the positional errors are easy to detect? AI can probably help do this, but you also need a positional evaluation to…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: vote/penalty system for users timing out rather than resigning#4

@Solal35 OK, it maybe working already, but still I get these boring timeouts every now and then - having to wait it out. It is a reason I do not care to play longer time controls. By adding an element…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: vote/penalty system for users timing out rather than resigning#1

Timeout happens to all players, thinking really hard, not solving it, loosing battery power, dinner, kids etc. But some use it as a tactic to punish a winning opponent. Lichess has a way to deal with …

Lichess Feedback - Lichess API lack of support for creating future tournaments#7

@thibault Thank you!

Lichess Feedback - Lichess API lack of support for creating future tournaments#3

@Cezary_Wagner: A workaround is to set the "waitMinutes" parameter (0-360 minutes) in api post. Then you can post a tournament link to your forum of desire up to 6 hours in advance. Combined with a lo…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess API lack of support for creating future tournaments#2

Yes, please! For the same reason. A few more wishes; - add the other advanced settings to the API as well, like rate limits and initial position. Adds a new dimension to club play - be kind not to res…

Lichess Feedback - Tag games in addition to bookmarks? #1

I bookmark games once in a while to look at them later on. It would be nice to expand the bookmark feature with custom tags as a reminder to why the game was bookmarked. E.g "new opening", "mate-patte…

Lichess Feedback - Filter news feed for non-public stuff#1

The news-feed on the front page contains quite a few "private studies", which isn't that interesting to the public. Filter it out? Regards!

Lichess Feedback - Microsoft buying Github#16

Perhaps they want strategic control with quality developer tools, rebrand the stuff and bring it closer to the MS cloud and away from the competition. Perhaps they'll teach an AI to write code based o…
