
Search "user:talsune"

8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Feedback on the new game chooser interface#16

thibault, i don't write much in the forum, but this is a good occasion to express my admiration: the website is always getting better. i've been on the lichess since some years now and it's impressive…

Lichess Feedback - Big changes :)#23

thibault, really happy to have contributed with a good idea! with regards to your view on multiple options: i get your point and i agree. keep up the great work! ciao! p.s. i also agree with wirasdt: …

Lichess Feedback - Big changes :)#19

thibault, as usual things keep on getting better and better here. so first of all: my praise. after that, a couple of comments. what is most annoying to me with this new system occurs when i launch a …

Lichess Feedback - Strange Lichess behaviour (draw accept / resign with no action taken).#12

some time ago i received the same kind of trick by phanindranellutla, (twice!). you can see one example here: very glad this bug is fixed! site keeps getting bette…

Game analysis - unusual checkmates#17

checkmate with pawn! i'm actually quite proud of it, after losing a rook to a knight - i'm so poor i always get that against the sicilian - i also sacrificed a full knight to get his king out in the b…

General Chess Discussion - personal blacklist#1

With this topic I want to start a black list of users that I want to remember avoid playing against. These are people that cheat or have unfair behaviour. It should also be of help to other users: avo…

General Chess Discussion - So many cowards...#17

please guys, boycott nannah1. it's just pointless to keep on playing with people that are so worth less.

General Chess Discussion - So many cowards...#16

i am currently stuck with *nannah1*, in an unlimited time game. i just forked his king and queen, won the queen and the guy decides not to move any more. there's no time control and there's no way of …
