
Big changes :)

"Suppose you want any game between 2 and 15 mins. You create a 2min. Someone sees it but do not want such a rapid game. He creates a 10min game. You click it. Done.
That's why I think multiple choice is not required anymore. Plus it makes the interface more complex."
А вот и нифига :Р Многие не создают игру, а ждут, когда появится что-то их устраивающее, чтоб принять, поэтому
предложение talsune я поддерживаю :)
P.S.: по-английски я не умею :(
russian guys please try google translate or something.

i get people chatting with me in russian a lot.

i don't understand it.

it makes me a sad panda.

really happy to have contributed with a good idea!

with regards to your view on multiple options: i get your point and i agree.

keep up the great work!


p.s. i also agree with wirasdt: it makes me a sad panda too.
thank you :)
i hope i didn't seem too offensive.
I guess I'm stupid, but I don't understand how the new interface is supposed to work. How do I get a game against a totally random opponent? I don't like picking an opponent myself, nor to create a
game and hope that someone will pick me. Random pairing is a major part of the charm of playing at a server like lichess, at least to me.

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