
Search "user:odxn"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Abort the game when my opponent leaves#7

@Sazed That's a very evasive answer. I'm not talking about aborts being given out freely; I'm talking about being able to abort a game when your opponent leaves the game. I fail to see any exploitable…

FM odxn
Lichess Feedback - Abort the game when my opponent leaves#1

Hello wonderful lichess developers. My opponent disconnected from my game after a few moves, which happens occasionally in my games. I am given the option of claiming victory or calling the game a dra…

FM odxn
Lichess Feedback - Lost game due to a bug#4

I didn't close the tab.

FM odxn
Lichess Feedback - Lost game due to a bug#1 I did not leave the game. After two moves, the board froze for a few seconds and then it just said that I left (?!). In the chat displayed the message "Warning odxn, l…

FM odxn