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54 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - A Lifehack to Speed up the Growth in Chess#22

This article reminds me of Fight Club by David Fincher. About the mental gun : maybe it's a good test, but is it a good motivator ? In my opinion, it is not. Then you are adding a problem to the probl…

General Chess Discussion - How do you guys deal with Cheaters?#29

sooner or later, you will play OTB chess again... and this day, your opponent won't be able to use an engine. It will be only you, your training, and the board. So forget cheaters, they are just "trai…

Lichess Feedback - puzzle difficulty#7

can't find it anymore, but I've this 2750 : it's a good example too. + maybe it's the same if puzzle rating evolve just like us. @SwApNeEl1

Lichess Feedback - puzzle difficulty#5

@J_SEDA_conant why "normal" should be different in puzzle and in blitz, or rapid, or ultrabullet ? if "normal" means close to your actual rating, there is no difference. that's why I asked you this qu…

Lichess Feedback - puzzle difficulty#3

@J_SEDA_conant so, a blitz player rated 2000 is a "normal" opponent for you ? this definition of normal is the same used by amplitude studio in dungeon of the endless, normal = super hard french humor…

Lichess Feedback - puzzle difficulty#1

when I do puzzle, "normal" puzzle are way too difficult for me very often. For exemple, I just met a 2858 rated puzzle (I'm 2250 right now). a 600 glicko difference is way too much for "normal" in my …

General Chess Discussion - openings for 1300#10

C44 as white, B10 as black. when you reach 1800 elo FIDE, it's good idea to start studying at least 1 or 2 openning. otherwise, tactics and end game are a better choice, in my opinion.

General Chess Discussion - Account Closed While Playing#3

super rage quit ?

General Chess Discussion - Comparing ratings between chess servers#36

#22 @The_Human_Paradox do you have an exact estimation of the number of cheaters (I mean all cheaters) who played on and ?

General Chess Discussion - Comparing ratings between chess servers#21

Cheat detection system may have an impact too. way more cheaters on in my opinion, so it's harder to get a good rating.
