
Search "user:justiniano565"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Rated Chess960 games: time for a change#9

I agree with Former Player point of view about ratings, it's time for 960 be considered as what it is, not a chess variant, but simply chess

IM justiniano565
General Chess Discussion - Chess 960 advice#22

960 is a challenge for our schematic way of thinking . It's because players try to retrieve knowed positions and structures. We are obligated to face positions that makes our previous experience unuse…

IM justiniano565
Lichess Feedback - Not enough chess960 tournaments!!!#67

You must consider than castling rules are exactly the same than in standard. Remember than standard is one of the 960 positions. It means until last consequences, even it seems a paradox is some posit…

IM justiniano565
Lichess Feedback - Not enough chess960 tournaments!!!#52

Anti. atomic, crazy, etc are games made with chess pieces and board , they can be very amusing, but they are not chess. 960 is chess, and with positions impossible to get in starting 518 configuration…

IM justiniano565