
Search "user:jsettle1"

19 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - FIDE Women’s Grand Prix Collapses into "Chaos" as Players Withdraw#23

The players made a statement. Whether you like that statement or not, they have more courage than the folks posting in this thread. (Me included btw)

Community Blog Discussions - I have an Opinion about Hans Niemann#5

You've cracked this case wide open, Zug. I admire your investigative zeal.

General Chess Discussion - Can hans niemann be using brain implants?#23

Hey, I have a serious question. Not trying to hijack the amusing convo...just have a real question. Can hearing impaired people wear hearing aids at big tournaments? Some of the new ones are pretty so…

Community Blog Discussions - BREAKING NEWS ALERT! || Magnus will not defend World title#7

@TheUltimateGoose said in #5: > A very sad day for the future of chess. Why do prodigies (in chess) go crazy? It's not at all crazy to go out on top. Whenever an elite sports figure decides to call it…

General Chess Discussion - Takebacks#9

Takebacks put people in an awkward situation. You should never feel ashamed for refusing to take back a move, and you should never be berated for refusing to take back a move. I'll probably disable it…

General Chess Discussion - Favorite piece sets?#6

I play Horsey with a blue board theme.

General Chess Discussion - Nakamura vs Magnus ridiculous Bongcloud.#6

I enjoyed it. I think most folks did too. Would you rather have seen them both play out a theoretically known draw to reach the same conclusion? From what I've heard, that sort of thing is commonplace…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzlers on the Storm#114

gg, life. It's been a good run.

Lichess Feedback - Potential Issue with Anonymous Users Having Access to Game Chat #12

Hi @Astronominoff. The fact that I only suspect this activity is happening with regularity, does not diminish the very real possibility that it could be happening. Why make it easier to cheat? For com…

Lichess Feedback - Potential Issue with Anonymous Users Having Access to Game Chat #10

@Astronominoff. My suspicions are only based on seeing anonymous users pop up with some regularity. I can't imagine that there are too many folks stumbling onto my games and taking an interest in them…
