
Search "user:jippiedoe"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Who decided that I quit a game? And why?#9

"I was on the page and I thinked." If you played the entire game in 1:15, then you weren't actually 'thinking' for 4 minutes about how you only had 1 legal move, especially if you didn't even play it.…

Game analysis - Hadrian's wall - My chess system#19

My favourite thing about this thread? The ECO name "A00: Creepy Crawly Formation: Classical defense"

General Chess Discussion - Is the puzzle "defend against the greek gift" flawed?#1

In practice, under the greek gift, the last puzzle is 'defend against the greek gift'. On move 3, the puzzle wants you to play N5f6, and it straight up rejects N7f6 as a wrong move. Stockfish8 says th…

Lichess Feedback - Request: Option to use letters instead of tiny icons on the right#3

Thanks, for some reason I couldn't find that option myself :)

Lichess Feedback - Request: Option to use letters instead of tiny icons on the right#1

In the moves screen on the right, Lichess uses tiny drawings of knights, bishops, rooks, queens and kings instead of the classical N, B, R, Q, K. I, personally, can never quite see the difference betw…
