
Search "user:iongler"

20 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Justice is served#20

But do you agree that a 2000+ will be more likely to play a perfect game against an 1300 then against another 2000+?

Lichess Feedback - [Suggestion] Advanced search small improvement#1

Currently there seems to be no way to display just your losses in a certain variant. I want to look over my classical rated losses however in the dropdown menu for winner I can only select blank or me…

Lichess Feedback - Limited history#6

It is! Wizardry :)

Lichess Feedback - Limited history#4

You are wonderful! It's only 90% fixed, everything works however advanced search can search but only displays last 12 games that match.

Lichess Feedback - Limited history#1

I can only see the last 12 games on any of the tabs (including imported games) from my profile or any other profile, once I scroll to the bottom it stops loading new ones. Also advanced search seems t…

General Chess Discussion - aphantasia and chess#2

I have this to a certain degree, can't form or hold images in my mind however i sort of visualize "movement" not really sure how to explain it. Can even play blindfold a bit but i lose the thread usua…

General Chess Discussion - Let's win won games #2#4

I enjoyed these, I drew my first try on this one :(

Lichess Feedback - Request computer anaylsis not working#5

Thank you! :) good to know. Will take a while to get through all my winter marathon then.

Lichess Feedback - Request computer anaylsis not working#3

That makes sense, would be nice to get an indication that you reached the limit for that day, now it just won't work.

Lichess Feedback - Request computer anaylsis not working#1

Request analysis stopped working suddenly, now when i click the button it just acts like i refreshed the page and analysis doesn't start. Tried on two different machines and 3 browsers. My friend trie…
