
Search "user:chesspibito"

32 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - advanced search not that advanced anymore :-(#3

Oh, it was always there. I am so blind and silly and ashamed :P Thank you!

Lichess Feedback - advanced search not that advanced anymore :-(#1

Hey there! I do regularely analyze my losses, so that my play gets stronger; slowly, but steady. I love the feature "learn from your mistakes": you get chess puzzles from your own games, in positions …

General Chess Discussion - Podemos los Latinoamericanos tener una gran comunidad en lichess?#4

Me parece perfecto. Cuenten conmigo. Pero yo lo haría extensivo a Iberoamérica (incluyendo España). Es más, Brasil y Portugal deberían estar cordialmente invitados.

General Chess Discussion - A little chess community on Telegram#2

It is a pretty community, I can assure. Telegram users from lichess are kindly invited :-)

Lichess Feedback - Scrolling problem in mobile app#10

My problem began with the update of Android WebViewer. So, I uninstalled it and now it works again. My options were reseted, but that's not big deal. Thank you.

Lichess Feedback - Conditional pre-move option#4

@xXJrHoLLoWeDXx Aha, and will these conditional pre-moves on the analysis mode be taken for the current game when my opponent plays one of this lines? I didn't know that!

Lichess Feedback - Conditional pre-move option#2

I'd like to express my support for this feature request. I've read an older discussion on this, which was closed. So, I think it is a very good idea!

Lichess Feedback - Studies: limit of characters?#3

Alright, it was a missunderstood! On the right there is a preview of the notes on each move, which are shown in full length at the bottom of the screen when you step into the related move. Thank you! …

Lichess Feedback - Studies: limit of characters?#1

Good afternoon. In a related post ( ) I finally found the way to create a study from a PGN-file. Now I have the problem that the commen…

Lichess Feedback - Study from a PGN-file?#14

@gbtami : I downloaded the file again, and it works! It seems that the one I used was somehow corrupted on the way. I only have to solve the issue with the broken lines and uncomplete comments... Plea…
