
Search "user:aryabrah"

32 forum posts
Game analysis - mate in 3 from my game puzzle#3

captcha was harder lol

General Chess Discussion - the server just went down#12

dude i just lost a game in a winning position because it was my turn:(

Game analysis - New Opening!!! Only 40 cpl#13

This opening was first played in the 1942 Ruy Lopez Memorial in Munich between Chigorin (white) and Philidor (black). Unfortunately Philidor lost the game because he blundered mate in 1 despite having…

General Chess Discussion - some people just playing much lower rated players#7

I mean sure you're right, but why shouldn't it be allowed lmao how does it affect you?

General Chess Discussion - Things in chess you should never do and also, How to fix em.#7

play the London system. the fix: actually think during the opening.

General Chess Discussion - Black Lives Matter#934

@Sarg0n that's kinda cringe bro

General Chess Discussion - Black Lives Matter#905

Lichess just turned into /pol/ lmao

General Chess Discussion - Black Lives Matter#607

Did @grondilu get banned for speaking his mind?

General Chess Discussion - Black Lives Matter#78

@thibault I have massive respect for you for what you've given to the chess community, however I'm not a fan of how your only method of reasoning seems to be posting comic strips. The latest one you p…

General Chess Discussion - Black Lives Matter#28

How naïve does one have to be to think this entire thing is not political? Over the past week, one thing I've realized is that there's a lot of disgusting behavior on both sides.
