
Black Lives Matter

@Chillkroete77 A German loaded up with lots of white guilt doing exhaustive mental gymnastics and playing the slavery card to justify the looting and violence that blacks are perpetuating. I understand that you like being submissive but please understand that some of us still have dignity.
@zykloned I didn't justify violence. And there is no need to mention that I'm german. I have no feelings of guilt about anything except maybe for arguing with people like you. I can still observe reality and recognize that there is a problematic police culture in the United States which you apparently think is mental gymnastics.
@sosumisai Yeah, my opinion that the police is brutalizing peaceful protestors is based on infotainment... Not the videos of police brutality actually happening. You people listen to PragerU and Fox News and want to tell me that my sources are bad. It's hilarious.
@chessfiend007 Did you read the text under the video? The short summary is "Everything was great under colonialism but then the blacks murdered a lot of white people and so the country went to sh*t" Yes, Haiti is a failed state but that explanation is dumb and wrong.
And did you watch the video? It is so blatantly racist that it is stunning. Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. And the video complains about blacks getting equality and calls them subhuman.

When you reflexively go looking for a reason that a man murdered by police deserved to die because the existence of racism and police brutality makes you uncomfortable, it's because you're racist. When you bemoan demographic shift and the fact that white people will be the largest minority instead of a majority in a few decades, it's because you're racist. Conservative behavior, ideology, and talking points are blatantly racist.

It's like how Ronald Reagan was extremely racist and his policies devastated black communities, and only conservatives were shocked when the audio of him calling Nixon and talking about how Africans were 'stupid monkeys' recently came out and proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Just take the mask off and own it instead of being this tepid, cowardly, inauthentic animal you currently are.
There’s a lot of latent racism in Germany and Europe. The same in other (United!) states - except for the „latent“.

That’s why there is a big movement. Ev‘rywhere. Don’t you think that millions are well aware of this kind of racism?

You're outnumbered on account of the fact that these people live in their mothers' basements and they can swarm these threads because their day is free once they're done getting angry about women and minorities in videogames. The realization that they are the only undesirables and that the world doesn't want them is prompting them to lash out in the same way the police are rioting across the US in defense of Derek Chauvin and their right to commit murder and assault.
@Chillkroete77 what's with "you people"? The language you use to address people you hate is EXACTLY the kind of of language considered "racist" in the US. People lose their jobs for saying "you people". Also, you assumed with prejudice that I get my opinions from PragerU and Fox News. I very rarely watch either. So there you are, using "racist" language and showing prejudice against people, yet somehow, in your mind, it's all OK when YOU do it, because you are in the "right" tribe, so you can do whatever you want to the "wrong" tribe. That's the issue with BLM supporters--nonstop hypocrisy, double standards, gaslighting, Straw Man, Superiority Complex, etc. etc.

Keep laughing at us "hilarious" untermenschen for daring to disagree with your Party and its fearless fuehrers. You are a true superior ubermensch. So "enlightened" and "tolerant" Bravo.

Regarding "infotainment"--you obviously consume huge amounts, and it affects your thinking, because you think selectively cherry picking just the minority incidents you want to see (type A) while ignoring the MAJORITY of similar incidents you don't want to see (types B C, D, etc.) is all the proof you need to declare Type A to be the typical norm.
@sosumisai I'm still amazed how you are able to see video evidence of police brutality and say "It's infotainment". I'm genuinely amazed at that. And of course you are watching Fox and PragerU even if it's only "rarely"... Please, feel free to name the sources you use that lead you to the conclusion that there is no police brutality and that there is no systemic problems with the police.
Also: Why do you invoke the term "Untermenschen"? Is this the laziest attempt ever to make a "Haha, he is german, so he must be a nazi" 'argument'?

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