
Search "user:Wayzata-TitusA"

16 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lot of cheaters here.#27

There have been many cheaters who were “clever” and didn’t cheat in every single game. However, lichess usually finds them (fortunately).

NM Wayzata-TitusA
Game analysis - best pleyers of lichess 1##81

What list? #79? I only see one @pigeons there?

NM Wayzata-TitusA
Game analysis - best pleyers of lichess 1##79

If you have list I seriously recommend the following. @chessbrahs @penguingim1 @TwelveTeen @Fins @ultimate_shsl_gamer @BeepBeepImaJeep @pigeons. If @Deathmaster is included, I want in...also, Deathmas…

NM Wayzata-TitusA
Game analysis - best pleyers of lichess 1##72

I think @rock303 should be included for his extreme ultra skill!!

NM Wayzata-TitusA
Game analysis - best pleyers of lichess 1##71

what the nuts? Im confused...

NM Wayzata-TitusA
General Chess Discussion - Ultra Marathon#64

@youarecheckmate even though you may not have cheated, they might not take the tag off since you were using 2 people on the same account, but you can definitely apologize and they might give you a sec…

NM Wayzata-TitusA