
Search "user:Vivien"

5 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Conditional premoves#1

Hi, In correspondence games, I have witnessed twice that a long sequence of conditional premoves made the interface bug. After inputting all moves (not sure how many, probably about 20 moves), pressin…

Lichess Feedback - View on ongoing games: bug?#1

Hi, On the homepage, there is a tab where to see the ongoing games. When this is the opponent's turn in every game, only 9 games are displayed. Once an opponent makes a move, so that I have to play a …

General Chess Discussion - Sudden increase in the number of players?#1

Hi, This is a lichess-related question, but probably not suitable for the site Q&A, so I post here. It seems to me that there has been an increase in the number of players over the next week or so. In…

Lichess Feedback - Move list and blunder cycling (analysis mode)#3

I confirm this is fixed. Great feature! Thanks.

Lichess Feedback - Move list and blunder cycling (analysis mode)#1

Hi, In analysis mode, I have just discovered that you can cycle through the blunders (or inaccuracies or errors) by clicking in the count list, at the bottom right. This is very nice. The only issue i…
