
Search "user:IAHMCOL"

32 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Your Biggest Secret#9

@DrNykterstein006 said in #1: > What's your biggest secret? still a secret

Off-Topic Discussion - Translate#8

@Hate-nerds said in #1: > ड्डफ वफ़्फ़ग़। ग़फूफ़ ओआसू सहसुःस दह्ह्ध्धीड रोस्क़सककोव्फ केकेकसकओगोगोग़ू लेओसोडोड़ोर कवक इज़ाज़िय To english facts!

Lichess Feedback - Cheat detected, but the account was not blocked!#25

@glbert said in #6: > the point is, in most cases "cheat detected" happens *before* the user gets the chance to actually play a cheating move. that's why they only get a slap on the wrist, lichess tel…

Off-Topic Discussion - What is your preferred OS?#26

@AsDaGo said in #24: > Hmm, second place perhaps. ;-) > > Also, ... oh-my-fish Just checked it a little. Not bad at all. Totally in the 'ohmy' brand.

Off-Topic Discussion - What is your preferred OS?#23

@AsDaGo said in #14: > Fish is objectively the best shell, Objectively, I dont know, but probably top spot really goes to ohmyzsh

Off-Topic Discussion - nominate an animal species to receive intelligence and language equal to humans#27

Horses, so they can tell me on time: a3?? Why you want to put me in a3, NONSENSE!!! That might be my only hope!

General Chess Discussion - Project #1 : What is the most popular opening?#9

The most popular opening is: 1. e4 (KPG)'s_Pawn_Game

Lichess Feedback - This is a great website.#5

@Wasted_Youth said in #3: > It is indeed. I took a 6 month break here to try out everything on, I ́ve now closed my account there, I couldn ́t stand it any more and am well pleased to be bac…

Off-Topic Discussion - Do you sound smarter when you write?#21

@Noflaps said in #20: > I don't believe I can be fooled or impressed by an AI engine writing in English. > True. The machines still are failing the Turing Test, but they keep trying at beating it.

Off-Topic Discussion - Fantastic ideas about romance mafia thriller story?#11

@Raspberry_yoghurt said in #10: > That's like a film noir, they always end like that. oh for real? that just comes to show how little I know about film noir genre.