
Search "user:CarpathianBulldog"

13 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Idea: Replay game#1

Looking at the moves of a game on the analysis board is fun and all, but to me there's something magical about watching a game in real time. The amount of time players spend on different moves really …

General Chess Discussion - How fast does the rating deviation increase?#1

Usually it is very hard for me to find opponents for classical games. Today was a stroke of luck because of the classical shield arena, so I took some time off work to play in it until my rating devia…

General Chess Discussion - What is a good Puzzle streak score?#19

I got in the 60s the first time I tried it... but I don't know how I would even find that score. My activity doesn't go back far enough and nowhere in the Puzzle Dashboard does it say your Puzzle Stre…

General Chess Discussion - Weird openings that are surprisingly playable#7

@watermelonbiscuit it is exceedingly rare to see anyone above 2600 ELO play any sort of system opening because they are too predictable, too well-known, and too easy to equalize against. They will pla…

General Chess Discussion - Weird openings that are surprisingly playable#4

There are a near-unlimited number of ways to begin the game but only about 100 of them are actually respectable and worthy of a repertoire. The rest are either one-trick ponies where there's an openin…

General Chess Discussion - Weird openings that are surprisingly playable#2

If you play something like a3 all you're doing is planning to transpose to a normal opening later on where the move a3 will be useful, like a Reversed Najdorf or Reversed Benoni or any number of openi…

Lichess Feedback - Request Computer Analysis not working#3

Oh I thought it was unlimited for patrons. Wish there was a way to see if I'm close to the threshold.

Lichess Feedback - Request Computer Analysis not working#1

See title. I click the button and it just refreshes the page. It didn't run on an earlier game either -- started running but then got stuck.

General Chess Discussion - Losing streak#10

#9 yeah the only exception is when I'm losing rating points to cheaters, because losing against a computer is incredibly demoralizing. Yesterday I lost twice to a "2480" who played 1...a5 with Black a…

General Chess Discussion - Losing streak#8

If you're actually 1800 strength, you'll make it back up there as soon as you get your head straight. If you're not actually 1800 strength, then your rating was not legit, and you were going to have t…
