
Idea: Replay game

Looking at the moves of a game on the analysis board is fun and all, but to me there's something magical about watching a game in real time. The amount of time players spend on different moves really adds something. And there are some blitz/bullet games where the main spectacle is the sheer speed, in particular with premoving, demonstrated at the end of the game.

It would be cool to have a feature where you could replay the game, with the "players" spending the same amount of time per move that they spent in the actual game, just as though you were watching it live.
I really like that feature. You don't have to replay an entire game though. You can replay just the moves you care about.

It's called REALTIME replay mode.

It's the very bottom menu entry.
Lichess already has that functionality? Hit the three horizontal lines, under Replay Mode you have 'Realtime'.

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