
Search "user:Callidous"

58 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bug: Analysis stops at 100 moves#2

# means mate. If it says, for example, #16, it means that (with best play of both sides) you can force a mate in 16 moves.

General Chess Discussion - Which is more logical 1.d4 or 1.e4?#16

#11 "Italian is horrible. Very much a beginner opening." Don't believe everything you hear. The Spanish is considered to have more critical lines, true, but a) that's completely irrelevant on amateur …

General Chess Discussion - Did Stockfish took over Lichess?#5

#3 An interesting move is !?, ?! is a dubious move.

Lichess Feedback - Losing by illegal move#7

Punishing illegal moves is a necessity in over the board chess, because you can't physically prevent anyone from doing it. Online you can - not allowing to even make illegal moves is a good thing.

Lichess Feedback - Opponent ran out of time, was marked as draw.#8

This is the official rule: "if a player does not complete the prescribed number of moves in the allotted time, the game is lost by that player. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that …

General Chess Discussion - What are the age demographics on lichess?#5

#2 "verified personal information"? I seem to remember entering a user name, a password, an e-mail adress, doing a captcha and that's it.

Lichess Feedback - why i'm banned? #3

Well, to be fair, looking at his recent games I'm not sure what the basis of the ban is. I certainly wouldn't suspect him.

General Chess Discussion - Rules for a draw#2

After 30. ... d5, 32. ... Ra2 and after 34. ... Ra2 same position and always white to move, seems legit.

General Chess Discussion - Delay v Increment#2

"If you can think and move in 3 seconds you lose no time and can only be defeated by the better move." Isn't that the same with 3 seconds increment instead of delay?

General Chess Discussion - My prediction is right, Nakamura wins the tornament#3

Nakamura indeed won the tournament, but since you specifically mention "Nakamura vs Kasparov", I feel it should be mentioned that in the games these two played against each other Kasparov actually sco…
