
Search "user:Bletchlypark"

18 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - I don't think we should trust the comp#14

Try to play it vs Stockfish and it will show you why it's -0.6

General Chess Discussion - Am I gonna get Banned?#7

I regularly get 95%+ accuracy when my opponents make an early blunder. No one is going to think you cheated if you didn't.

General Chess Discussion - 1. d4#7

I'll put it this way I would much rather my opponents play e4 than d4.

General Chess Discussion - Which is the best chess engine#2

Stockfish 15

General Chess Discussion - Aborting before first move#2

Maybe they got a phone call, maybe they have a sudden need to use the bathroom. It could be a number of possible reasons.

General Chess Discussion - Why Lichess forbids us to choose our adversary#25

Just play the game, if it's a cheater you can determine that after the game and report them.

Lichess Feedback - DGT Support#51

I used the Acid Ape app today and it worked. The app itself is a little buggy so a more robust solution would be awesome. Like maybe DGT support on the lichess iOS or Android app...

Lichess Feedback - Computer strength varies from one device to another#3

No both those games where on the computer I played two to make sure it was pretty consistent. It doesn't log the game when you play it on the phone since you are playing "offline"

Lichess Feedback - Computer strength varies from one device to another#1

I feel like I am going crazy but I just did a little experiment to prove it. If I use the lichess app on my phone and select to play against the computer at level 1 it is pretty darn good. If you make…

General Chess Discussion - I just lost to a 1300...#6

I just looked at your profile and you have played like over 20 games today. Take some time off maybe review some games, try to understand what is wrong with your thought process and correct it. A coup…
