
Why Lichess forbids us to choose our adversary

Magnus (3300) lost against a 1980 player... You going to report the 5 time world champion for cheating?
i LOVE this RANDOM system! you want abuse? try playing at tactics tempo! there are soooo many sandbaggers and multiple accounts there! i beat a 1700 plus there in my first game and then faced a slew of 1700s all playing the same lines until my rating was 1320 and my rating was 100 points lower there when i left.

chess jerks are going to be wherever you go. if you want to challenge opponents, you can do it at tempo, but it's a smaller community with tons of cheating. i was really getting sick of getting stomped by 1300s because of players using their blitz ratings or sandbagging.

it blew my mind when i came here and had an EASIER time playing passive 1800s.

i can be a jerk too. when i get whizzed enough in a game, i'll refuse to resign and try to trick my opponent into a stalemate. i did it to a mid 1700s a couple weeks ago with my lone king against 2 queens, a bishop and a pawn trying to be too clever and/or intimidating. it was glorious watching him get a queen and insta-draw.
There's many, many different ways someone can have beaten an 1800 and lost to a 900 without cheating. I'll just list alternative explanations in random order. Keep in mind that all we need is a single explanation for how a lower ranked player can beat a higher ranked player as it can be used to explain how a higher ranked player lost to a lower ranked player as well.

1.) People play online chess in different conditions like while feeling mental fog or being drunk or feeling great and concentrated. This can result in someone losing to a lower rated player.
2.) Chess has many different openings, and given a confusing and tricky one that an opponent doesn't know plus a little preparation from the lower ranked player, a lower ranked player can beat a higher ranked player. Think the Stafford gambit and IM Rosen as an example.
3.) You are assuming everyone is playing purely for the highest chance of a win every single match. On the contrary, someone might try out a silly idea that they think is fun since not much is on the line. Even if you think people seek ELO aggressively, losing one game is a drop in the bucket.
4.) Over dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of games, people sometimes overlook a simple tactic that people their rank normally wouldn't.
5.) Due to network problems or something coming up they must address, anyone can lose by forfeit to anyone else no matter how great the ELO difference is.
Just play the game, if it's a cheater you can determine that after the game and report them.
@smallestdinosaur said in #24:
"all we need is a single explanation for how a lower ranked player can beat a higher ranked player"
I do not.

"People play online chess in different conditions like while feeling mental fog"
If the weather is foggy one can barely see the pieces. It doesn't help to win.

"or being drunk"
There should be a sobriety test before logging to the lichess.

"Chess has many different openings"
How about chess 960?
@Gik-Tally said in #23:
> i LOVE this RANDOM system! you want abuse? try playing at tactics tempo! there are soooo many sandbaggers and multiple accounts there! i beat a 1700 plus there in my first game and then faced a slew of 1700s all playing the same lines until my rating was 1320 and my rating was 100 points lower there when i left.
> chess jerks are going to be wherever you go. if you want to challenge opponents, you can do it at tempo, but it's a smaller community with tons of cheating. i was really getting sick of getting stomped by 1300s because of players using their blitz ratings or sandbagging.
> it blew my mind when i came here and had an EASIER time playing passive 1800s.
> i can be a jerk too. when i get whizzed enough in a game, i'll refuse to resign and try to trick my opponent into a stalemate. i did it to a mid 1700s a couple weeks ago with my lone king against 2 queens, a bishop and a pawn trying to be too clever and/or intimidating. it was glorious watching him get a queen and insta-draw.

While describing other places you also described the antics here all the same. This place allows you wins regularly so you stick around. If you get snippy and prideful you get a "slew" of lower rank sandbaggers up your ying faster than you can say weeehess!
@thefrickouttaherelol said in #22:
> Magnus (3300) lost against a 1980 player... You going to report the 5 time world champion for cheating?

I lose to 800s and provisionals in streaks steady. But 900s and 1000s are easy wins. Yet I can't get there to save a life. go figure licheats. I'll never get a chance to play 1900-3000 player here because they don't allow it from their best ranking accounts. I have to meet them playing full hoody behind their 825 usernames and then they don't even try to play chess. They just play clock. Which is fine because I don't mind losing to faster players even if they are just playing garbage. Once in every ten or fifteen losses I get to see a speed demon create a masterful check against me from some provisional or 785 username and it just makes my day. Because I know it;'s a high ranker slumming with his alt.

Then i get maybe 4 opponents a week if I'm lucky in the 900-1000+ range and it's cake walk city. Then back to the provisional ranking opponents and training their fake bots. Glad I could learn them up for you. Thanks so much for the dirt sandwhich environment lichess. What would we do without you.

BTW, that game I posted, the opponent copied the stupid opening moves I did a few games earlier to one of his other usernames I knew was just a joker. You can go look it up if you don't believe me. They like to let you know they are screwing with you. Wonderful people, not wasting our time here at all.

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