

Almost sorry to bring this up, but EU will implement the now famous General Data Protection Regulation next year, May 25th. Will be prepared for the change?

General Data Protection Regulation?what that means?(simple words pls)thanks in advance....
GDPR protects the rights of individuals with respect to processing of personal data. It is a new EU directive replacing old personal data protection regulations.

Personal data includes just about any information that can be linked to you as a person - like ip-address, game data, user profiles.

The directive gives the individual certain rights and the 'processor' (service provider) more than a few obligations.

Thank you....IM lovlas....i think EU is making the right thing.....
Protect us against who/what? The NSA? Does this mean that our connections or info will be encrypted? But isn't it already? I'm a bit confused.
Every website or app you use gather some sort of private information. It could be your email address, name, IP or whatever. GPDR is a strict ruleset that gives more rights to users and stricter guidelines for the information gatherers. It comes with heavy fines for companies that do not follow the set guidelines.

The recent years some companies have started gathering all sorts of information and uses it or sells it for marketing reasons. Hopefully GDPR will be a step in the right direction.
Sounds good! I guess I probably have already "sold" my Internet soul to Google a long time ago, who knows how much of my personal info have been sold on to third parties.
Sharing of game data is a cornerstone of chess culture and a benefit to all who use the data. The site does an excellent job with it. GDPR however has its own view on things. Like..

The right to erasure applies to old games and the export of these.

Can export of all game data with clock data add risk of individual profiling by 3.parties (betting, insurance, `??) - on parameters like time spent playing, playing @ time of day, risk inclination :) ?? Maybe a fully acceptable risk, but user should probably be informed and able to opt-out or perhaps opt-in with some settings?

Export of data transfers personal data (also) outside EU-borders. Not sure what happens here, but worth checking out.

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