
banned from lobby games

hey all,

why am i keeping getting this?

isnt it mine and only mine business if i'd like to play to some1 or to reject him?

It's extremely annoying to the people who are trying to play a game. So no, it's not only your business.
The rating system is also compromised if you get to choose your opponents.
When you abort too much games you get banned from lobby for a while. The while increases if you do it again. Dont know if it is forever at some point.

If it would be allowed to abort all games against players one does not like this would be some kind of cheating. One could abort and abort until he meets the player against which he scores well.

If you want to play specific players you can challenge them.
It take two to play a game. Sometime it seem that it take 2 plus a computer to play a game as well. When you search for a game you and the person agree to play one another. And that's that.

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