
How can I activated the two-factor authenticator if I don't have any QR Code Scan?

I need help, because Lichess (the official account) send me a message about to enable it because I'm a coach, teacher or streamer.
I'm not any of those, but I want to activate it (security reasons). Anyone knows how to do it?
Well, where in the app I put the secret code? In which section?
I only want to put it because of security on internet, that's all I want.
You'll have to install something, either on your computer or on your phone, to put that code in. As mentioned earlier, Authy is a good option for that.

(2FA works by generating a 6-digit code based on that long secret code and on the current time, and Lichess then verifies that 6-digit code. Apps like Authy perform the maths needed to generate that 6-digit code.)
> Apps like Authy perform the maths needed

so if Davidwuliang does the calculations on paper, there will be no need to install anything?
@glbert The math involved is almost certainly far beyond anything he could do on paper in a reasonable amount of time.
Davidwuliang may not be a ChessMathNerd, but i still believe in their abilities.
I can't install anything because I don't have space on memory @glbert
Yes, I'm good at math @ChessMathNerd


I only want to activate the 2 factor authenticator, without scanning the QR code.
there's a secret code to put, but where I put that secret code in the Lichess app?
That's my question.

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